Out of My Scull: Mayhem & Misadventures on Delaware’s Christina River

Out of My Scull: Mayhem & Misadventures on Delaware’s Christina River


“Out of My Scull” is fascinating, entertaining, and exciting – and, best of all, spilling over with humor. The author is a master storyteller, and she’s crafted a gem that’s hard to put down.

“Out of My Scull” offers a unique perspective into the world of rowing. It’s not a racing tale or a technical manual. Instead, it’s the story of a woman’s quest for the perfect recreational sport at age 50, leading her to the sliding seat of a scull where she found joy for 25 years.

She tells her story of joining a rowing center, learning to row, and becoming incomparably smitten. It is part instructional manual for those unfamiliar with the sport and its sometimes-hilarious lingo and part exposure to the crazy challenges that may come along with it, such as rowing backward on a wildlife-populated, narrow, tidal river full of floating coolers, baby strollers, basketballs, sand bars, barges, bridges, and substantial tree limbs just waiting to knock rowers out of their sculls.

It is part memoir about community and developing beautiful friendships with a crew who finds mishaps, fumbled rescues, and misunderstandings invariably amusing. Her crew laughs so much at what they encounter on and off the water that they earn the name Quadraphonics.


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